Targeted interventions for school attendance challenges

Upcoming: Wed 8 May, 4-5pm (AEST)

School attendance challenges come in many forms: school refusal, truancy, school exclusion and school withdrawal. This chronic school absenteeism impacts student’s educational outcomes and their health and wellbeing.

This webinar will explore practical and evidence-based strategies for educators to improve school attendance. Featuring current research, it will unpack how approaches embedded within Multi-tiered Systems of Support can target intervention at the point of need.

Reimagining student engagement

Dr Amy Berry shared highlights from her book ‘Reimagining student engagement: From disrupting to driving’ and a sneak peek at the findings from her latest research study into student perspectives on learning at school.

Suitable for educators of all levels, this webinar focuses on the importance of building a better language for engagement and the idea of developing an engagement partnership that positions students as active collaborators in the learning process.

Speaker: Dr Amy Berry–author and research fellow at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and honorary fellow at the University of Melbourne.

Starting school: Supporting children on the autism spectrum as they begin primary school

Starting school is a series of new resources on the Student Wellbeing Hub designed to assist families and educators of students with autism (diagnosed or undiagnosed) as they begin the first year of primary school.

The webinar unpacks the resources and explores the importance of establishing positive dialogue between school and families to support students and some practical adaptations to better support wellbeing and improve their learning journeys.

Supporting self-regulation skills in the classroom

The new Student Wellbeing Hub resource ‘Interoception and self-regulation: Get ready to learn’ features videos, activities and educator guides which are designed to help students feel more connected to their bodies, and to interpret and express their emotions helpfully.

This webinar unpacks the new resource and explores how building interoception skills can help children and young people to self-regulate their emotions and feelings, be calm and engage with learning, have positive wellbeing, and improve their academic performance.

Educators at all levels can utilise these practical and inclusive strategies with their whole class. They support neurodiverse or trauma-affected children and young people who may not develop self-regulation skills as easily as others.


Coping with emotional challenges in career development - R U OK? Day 2023

Young people face uncertain employment pathways in their futures, and often feel enormous pressure to make the “right” career decisions to ensure success. Many typical career development tasks and situations can trigger or worsen stress and mental ill-health. In this webinar, the teams from the Student Wellbeing Hub and the myfuture career information service join in a discussion about how career development influences, and is influenced by, wellbeing and emotional resilience. Coinciding with R U OK? Day 2023, they share practical tips and resources for educators and parents to help young people cope with the emotional challenges that are so central to career development learning.

What's going on for girls' mental health - and what can schools do to help?

In this webinar Dr O’Grady dives deep into girls’ mental health and evidence-based approaches to support schools to achieve best possible outcomes.

The secondary school's role in understanding and responding to student anxiety

COVID - 19 created a perfect storm for worries and anxiety to increase in young people with uncertainty, disconnection from peers and changing ways of learning. This webinar will explore risk and protective factors related to adolescent anxiety and describe ways that schools have responded to support students at risk of anxiety disorders.

When do day-to-day worries turn into anxiety - and how can primary schools help students?

With the uncertainties associated with COVID - 19, it's no wonder that children became more worried than usual. This webinar for primary school staff will explore what worries children have, signs that an anxiety problem may be emerging and evidence-based ways to support the student at school as well as to assist their families to access further support. 

What does school attendance tell us about how students feel about school – and what can we do about it?

In this webinar, community psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady unpacks the various factors which relate to school attendance, drawing upon both research and practice.

Supporting students mental health - Re-adjusting to living with COVID-19

In this webinar, psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady draws upon national and international research about the impact of COVID-19 on students' mental health to explore what this might look like in a school setting.

Olympics Unleashed - Encouraging students to be the best versions of themselves

In this webinar recording Dual Olympian 400m runner Steven Solomon talks about the Olympics Unleashed program and associated education programs.

Respectful relationships education: Sustaining a program over time

Respectful Relationships Education (RRE) is becoming embedded in many schools across Australia. What can be learnt from schools who have been on this journey for a while?

Sarah Corbell is part of the Workforce team supporting implementation of RRE across Victoria. In this webinar, she will explore some of the emerging outcomes of this work.

Relationships Education for Students with Autism

In this webinar, Dr Emma Goodall explores strategies for teaching students with autism about relationships and topics related to personal development. She also takes us through her expertly crafted lesson plans on these topics, suitable for primary and secondary contexts.

Supporting secondary students through lockdown and beyond

This webinar focuses on the strategies that schools have been using to support students who have experienced many weeks of remote learning.

Experienced teachers join psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady for a discussion of what has worked within their specific contexts. They also discuss supporting students in Years 11 and 12 who may face particular wellbeing and transition issues.

Student wellbeing and career resilience in a rapidly changing world

Our friends at myFuture have hosted two webinars which explore the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on student emotional and psychological wellbeing which, may create obstacles for students facing complex career decisions and transitions.

These webinars are presented by Dr Lyn O'Grady who has previously delivered a webinar for the Student Wellbeing Hub and is the author of our online courses Building Student Resilience and Principal and Teacher Wellbeing.

Photo of Dr Shane Tas from Our Watch

Addressing masculinities as part of a whole-of-school approach to respectful relationships education

Dr Shane Tas from Our Watch discusses strategies and actions to actively challenge dominant forms and patterns of masculinity that are associated with higher rates of violence against women in our society, and to engage men and boys in positive change within the school community.

Unpacking the Man Box

Create calmer and more connected classrooms

Paul Zappa and Jianyun Tao from The Men's Project at Jesuit Social Services unpack their research on the Man Box. You'll gain insights into the social pressures placed on boys and men to adhere to outdated masculinity stereotypes and the impact this can have on their wellbeing.

A celebration of culture and respect

Young people from refugee backgrounds show leadership in preventing family violence
Glenn Flanagan from Companion House shares reflections, key questions and lessons learned from working with young people from diverse refugee backgrounds on preventing family violence.

Challenges and opportunities for preservice teachers in 2020

Being a preservice teacher in 2020 is unlike anything anyone has ever experienced.

Nicole Brownlie is a lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland. Join her as she explores the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic brings and also look at some of the incredible opportunities it offers.

Dr Lyn O'Grady webinar thumbnail

Building hope and resilience during extraordinary times of change

This webinar looks at the likely impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on school communities and explore what research suggests will be helpful for school staff in adjusting to school life during and beyond the current pandemic.

Join community psychologist Dr Lyn O’Grady as she encourages school staff to reflect on their current experiences and develop a personal wellbeing plan that will be supportive and adaptable as change continues to occur.

Mindfulness Meditation – Cultivating Presence, Awareness and Connection

In this webinar you’ll discover what Mindfulness is all about, including modes of being, aspects of the mind, styles and methods of practice, as well as experiencing the practice of mindfulness meditation.

Nicole Lee is internationally certified in both Modern and Classical styles of Qigong. She is also trained in meditation and mindfulness and holds a Bachelors Degree in Complementary Medicine.

Trauma-informed Practice for Challenging Behaviours

The Student Wellbeing Hub's webinar focused on how an understanding of trauma can help inform strategies and approaches to support student learning and wellbeing by Rebecca Harris from Carlton Primary School in Victoria.

Check out more of Rebecca's work through her website:

Student Wellbeing Framework walk through

This webinar provides a background to the development of the new Framework for wellbeing and safety of all Australian school children. Each of the five interconnected elements are explored and practical strategies for effective implementation outlined.