Research and evidence
The evidence base for Respectful Relationships Education in Australian schools continues to grow.

Evidence paper: respectful relationships education in schools
A summary of the findings of the literature to guide future actions by education systems in their efforts to end violence against women.
Men in focus - evidence review
Unpacking masculinities and engaging men in the prevention of violence against women.
R4Respect: A peer-to-peer respectful relationships education program
Key findings and future directions.
Adolescents' relationships with their peers
A snapshot of peer relationships of Australian teenagers including attachments, attitudes, and problems.
Respectful relationships education to prevent gender-based violence
This report is the final evaluation report of a pilot of respectful relationships education in primary schools in Victoria and Queensland.
Respectful relationships education: the impact
Discover what students from around Australia think about their respectful relationships classes.
National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey
The world’s longest-running survey of community attitudes towards violence against women.
The SSASH Survey: The Australian Survey of Secondary Students and Sexual Health
A national study exploring the sexual health and well-being of Australian adolescents. The anonymous survey asks questions about knowledge, behaviour and educational experiences related to sexual health and well-being.
It is not all about sex
Young people’s views about sexuality and relationships education.
Seeking a pedagogy of difference
What Aboriginal students and their parents in North Queensland say about teaching and their learning.
Sexual health promotion with culturally and linguistically diverse young people
Advice about working with CALD young people around the topic of sexual health.
Improving social and emotional learning in primary schools
A guide offering six recommendations to support primary schools to improve social and emotional learning.
Children and young people’s exposure to pornography
Strategies to address issues regarding children and young people's access to and use of pornography.
Our Watch: Whole school approach toolkit
Access respectful relationships resources that will assist you to change practices in key areas.
Respectful relationships whole-school approach
The Victorian Department of Education and Training Respectful Relationships whole-school approach recognises that schools are a workplace, a community hub and a place of learning.
Changing the picture
A national resource to support the prevention of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children.
Writing Themselves In 4
Findings and recommendations from the largest ever study on the experiences of LGBTQA+ young people aged 14-21 in Australia.
Primary prevention of family violence against people from LGBTIQ communities
A summary report of primary prevention of family violence against people from LGBTIQ communities – An analysis of existing research.
Relationships education for students with autism
In this webinar recording, Dr Emma Goodall discusses strategies for teaching students with autism about relationships and topics related to personal development.
This video about sexual consent is designed for teenagers with an intellectual disability or teenagers on the autism spectrum.