Guide to thrive

Life Ed’s Guide to Thrive is a free toolkit containing more than 45 evidence-based resources to help teachers guide students as they embark upon the exciting but sometimes daunting move to secondary school. It's been designed to make life easier for teachers, the Program offers flexibility and most importantly saves time. 


Four simple steps

 Research and design Teacher professional development Classroom Implementation Support for parents and carers


The teacher/student learning process has four simple steps. You can explore these steps on the Guide to Thrive website.

Professional development

As teachers we encourage you to complete the Teacher Professional Development (PD) modules. These PD modules were designed to be self-paced and flexible, with no requirement to do them all at once. They have been mapped to the AITSL teaching standards for you, ready to record as self-identified hours for your state or territory accreditation. As specified in the Teacher / Student Learning Process, we recommend teachers complete the PD first before commencing with the resources in the Classroom Implementation step.

Mapped to AITSL teaching standards
Self-identified hours
Explore Teacher PD