This free online course is suitable for primary and secondary educators with an interest in supporting children and young people with emotional self-regulation, mental health and wellbeing, and social and emotional skills.


What's in the course?

Across six interactive modules, this professional learning unpacks key concepts and outlines inclusive strategies which promote engagement with learning in a safe, comfortable classroom environment. It also explores a trauma-informed approach to supporting students who express big emotions or experience behavioural challenges.


About self-regulation and interoception

A green plant icon

1. Introduction to self-regulation

You may have heard the term ‘self-regulation’ in an education context before. But what exactly is it? And how does it support students to engage in learning?

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2. Understanding interoception

Our bodies send us physical signals about our emotions all the time. Tapping into these changing signals and learning to understand them as emotions and/or feelings is called interoception or ‘mindful body awareness’.

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3. Individual differences,
Neurodiversity and mental health

Everybody's natural interoception is different. Students with less developed interoception may struggle not only with managing big emotions, but with social interactions.


Supporting emotional regulation

A blue apple icon

4. Interoception in the classroom

This module unpacks inclusive strategies and activities for a practical application of interoception with primary and secondary students.

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5. Trauma and emotional dysregulation

What can cause students to express big emotions or experience behavioural challenges? And how do environmental or sensory triggers in the classroom play a role?

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6. A trauma-informed approach

You can support students who experience severe dysregulation by creating a safe environment, fostering relationships, and improving their emotional self-regulation skills.


What you'll receive

  • Free videos, activities and downloadable resources
  • Expanded understanding of self-regulation and interoception
  • Certificate of completion
Videos with experts
Bite-sized readings
Interactive quizzing and reflection prompts
Practical strategies and tips
Downloadable resources and useful links