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Sports ability
Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9
Find activity cards that assist teachers in the delivery of sports-based activities for all abilities.
Headspace: Eating disorders
Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12
Facts and information and eating disorders and disordered eating for young people.
School-based drug prevention: What works?
Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12
Explore guidelines for selecting school-based drug education programs and resources.
Orygen: Mental health
Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12
Resources and modules about mental health and young people.
Ecstasy and pills: Factsheet
Year 10 - Year 12
Accurate information about ecstasy and an infographic of its effects on the body.
Road safety
Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6
Explore free, evidence-based road safety education resources for all primary school students.
Arc: Healthy eating
Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9
This package provides students access to Vic Government resources and data about healthy eating.
Superhero Foods HQ
Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12
This Foodbank WA resource features recipes and games for kids plus lesson plans and activities for educators.
Student health and wellbeing: Systematic review
Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12
This systematic review of intervention research examines effective student wellbeing in schools and their academic outcomes.
Respect: Homework Disaster
Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4
This resource helps students build skills to respect others.