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  • Mathematics: Sleepy statistics 

    Year 7 - Year 9

    Learn how different bedtime behaviours affect the quantity and quality of sleep, and understand the importance of statistical analysis in real-world data representation.

  • Youth Vaping Education Campaign 

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Use this suite of resources to start conversations and raise awareness about the dangers of vaping.

  • Digital technologies: Can AI guess your emotion? 

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4

    Discuss emotions as a class and introduce the idea of artificial intelligence (AI).

  • Digital technologies: Anti-bullying AI 

    Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9

    Find out how artificial intelligence (AI) could check social media posts and warn us if they were potentially harmful to reduce bullying.

  • Chronic conditions and schooling

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    This fact sheet provides strategies to support children with a chronic condition through school.

  • Masculinities and health

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    This resource suite from VicHealth explores ‘What does it mean to be a man in Australia?’.

  • What does school attendance tell us about how students feel about school – and what can we do about it? webinar

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    In this webinar, community psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady unpacks the various factors which relate to school absenteeism, drawing upon both research and practice.

  • Targeted interventions for school attendance challenges webinar

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    This webinar focuses on school attendance challenges come in many forms: school refusal, truancy, school exclusion and school withdrawal. The webinar aims to provide practical tips and strategies for educators at all school levels.

  • Developing student agency

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Ten tips for developing student agency.

  • Reimagining student engagement: Webinar recording

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Suitable for educators of all levels, this webinar focuses on the importance of building a better language for engagement and the idea of developing an engagement partnership that positions students as active collaborators in the learning process.