Respecting others
'Respect' means treating everyone and everything with care. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
You can show respect for your classmates, parents and teachers in many ways – how you speak to them, how you behave towards them and how you look after your belongings and the personal belongings of others. You also need to know how to respect yourself.
When you respect others you show them that you care about them. You can do this by treating everyone with kindness. If you respect others, your parents, teachers and friends will respect you. This helps to make your school a happy place to be.
No-one is the same. Everyone is special and should be treated with respect. Think about all the ways that families and your classmates are different. Being different makes school interesting. Learn more about:
- your feelings and the feelings of other people
- how to be a good friend
- how to be respectful at home
- where to get help when things go wrong.