Search results

  • The BRAVE Program

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    An interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. 

  • Sleep and young people: putting the myths to rest

    Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Explores some common myths around sleep and provides an overview of sleep difficulties experienced by young people.

  • Bully Stoppers: Primary

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6

    Find out information about bullying.

  • Kids Helpline - Students

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6

    Do you sometimes feel tense or worried? Need help? This site has lots of information to help you.

  • Bully Stoppers - Students

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6

    Are you being bullied? Have you been called a bully or seen others being bullied? Find info and tips on how to make things better.

  • Super Digital Citizen

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6

    Watch this cartoon to find out why we all need to be super digital citizens to be safe and respectful online.

  • Parenting and mental health

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Advice and strategies from Beyond Blue to on parenting and mental health.

  • FBI cyber surf islands

    Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6

    Visit the islands, complete the challenges and learn how to use the internet safely.

  • What's up at home? Early teens

    Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9

    Information and support about healthy, safe and respectful families for young teens.

  • #GameOn - Students

    Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9

    Think you know all about being online? Watch how some students get into difficult situations and make some poor decisions.