NGV: Slow mindful guided looking

Join educators from the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) for a slow mindful guided looking activity, featuring Frederick McCubbin's Home again (1884), with video and educator script.

Activity script

Together, we are going to do a mindful guided looking exercise. We’re going to allow our eyes to wander and journey around a painting, gently taking in the details of what we see. 

Let’s start by simply getting comfortable. You might like to sit or stand, depending on what feels most relaxed for you.  

If you are sitting down, take a moment to adjust your posture, relax your shoulders or lean into your chair. Those of you who are standing might like to stretch your arms upward or outward before letting your arms and hands drop, relaxed, by your side. Take a deep breath in – and out – and allow your eyes to gently rest over the image. 

Let’s begin by looking at the details that visually describe where the scene is set. Notice the surface of the walls of the building. Do they look smooth? Rough? Cracked? Worn? 

Notice the texture of the floor. What does it appear to be made of? How might the floor feel under your feet? What else do you see on the floor?  

Look around the space and notice the objects that have been painted into the scene. Notice the different shapes and forms of the objects. Consider their function or purpose. What kinds of objects are they? Why might they be there? How do they add meaning to the painting?  

Notice the open door on the right, revealing the slightest hint of the outside world. What do you notice about the inside and outside spaces? 

Cast your eyes over the figures in the painting. Take note of where they are positioned. What do they appear to be doing. Look carefully at the way they are dressed. Do their clothes look fresh? Crisp? Tidy? Tattered? Worn? What do their clothes tell us about them? Notice their posture and their body language and think about why the artist painted them in the way he has. 

Now, allow your eyes to move slowly one more time over the painting. Note which parts of the artwork catch your eye the most. Think about what draws your attention to these elements. Is it a colour? A shape? A texture? Maybe something else is resonating with you, such as a feeling, a question or a curiosity?


Published by National Gallery of Victoria

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