Search results

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Department of Health

    Foundation - Year 1, Year 2 - Year 4, Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Find information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

  • Difference differently

    Year 5 - Year 6, Year 7 - Year 9

    Diversity makes life interesting, but being different can also be challenging. Explore this site to learn more about diversity.

  • Perfectionism: Self-help

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    An information package designed to help you understand what is helpful and unhelpful about being a perfectionist. Each module includes information, worksheets, and suggested exercises or activities.

  • Stop cyberbullying before the damage is done

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    This TEDxTeen talk explores the causes and impact of cyberbullying.

  • Dealing with change

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Guides and resources to navigate change.

  • School and study

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Tips for students to get through studying at home, exam stress and fear about the future.

  • International student stories

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    What do you think young students from other countries might say about racism in Australia? Hear what they say about their life here.

  • Digital citizenship and you

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Listen as Zach Marks explains the importance of being a good digital citizen.

  • Two kinds of stupid

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    Watch this animation to discover what happens to your reputation when you post inappropriate pictures online.

  • Attitude overdrive

    Year 7 - Year 9, Year 10 - Year 12

    This video explores what happens when internet gaming gets out of hand.