Mapping student wellbeing frameworks

The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework is informed by relevant national, state and territory frameworks and initiatives. Find your state or territory framework, other national initiatives and browse international approaches to student wellbeing.  

Visit the Independent Schools Council of Australia and the National Catholic Education Commission to learn more about their policies and approaches to student safety and wellbeing. 

Australian Student Wellbeing Framework

Australian Student Wellbeing Framework

The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework is the national foundational document providing Australian schools with a vision and a set of guiding principles to support school communities to build positive learning environments, and to consider reviewing their current safety and wellbeing policies and support requirements.

The Framework is endorsed by Ministers of Education through the Education Council with input from all states and territories, education authorities and a range of national and international experts. It is based on evidence that recognises the strong links between student safety, wellbeing and learning outcomes.

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National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

The National Principles for Child Safe Organisations are driving the implementation of a child safe culture across all sectors, providing services to children and young people to ensure their safety and wellbeing across Australia.

The principles are endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) and developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission, reflecting the Child Safe Standards recommended by the Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse. They are underpinned by a child-rights approach to build capacity and deliver child safety and wellbeing in organisations, families and communities. 

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National School Improvement Tool

The National School Improvement Tool assists schools to review and reflect on their efforts to improve the quality of classroom teaching and learning. It consists of nine interrelated domains that combine and overlap to provide a comprehensive framework for school improvement.

The tool has been developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research for the Australian Government. Endorsed by the Standing Council on School Education and Early Childhood in 2012, it brings together findings from international research into the practices of highly effective schools and school leaders.

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Beyond Blue Be You

Be You is a national mental health initiative for educators that aims to promote and protect positive mental health in children and young people in every early learning service and school in Australia. Be You provides educators with knowledge, resources and strategies for helping children and young people achieve their best possible mental health.

Be You is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health, and delivered by Beyond Blue, Early Childhood Australia and headspace. It is based on evidence that confirms the continuing importance of building the capacity of early learning services and schools to foster mental health and assist children and families who are managing mental health issues

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Related Links

Student wellbeing

Student wellbeing

Explore student wellbeing on the Australian Capital Territory Government Education Directorate website. ACT schools strive to provide safe, respectful and supportive environments.

The website provides guidance to schools to ensure they have processes and policies in place to address bullying, harassment and violence, and to respond to complex and challenging behaviour.

Related Links

Wellbeing Framework

Wellbeing Framework

Explore student wellbeing on the New South Wales Department of Education website.

The Wellbeing Framework for Schools supports schools to create learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful.

Student wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing of Students

Health and Wellbeing of Students

Explore the Northern Territory Department of Education website. Find information about student health, student safety and wellbeing, preventing bullying and cybersafety, and social and emotional support for students. 

NT Social and Emotional Learning
Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework

Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework

Explore the Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework on the Queensland Government Education website. The importance of wellbeing for learning is well evidenced – students learn best in environments where their social, emotional and physical wellbeing are nurtured.

The Student Learning and Wellbeing Framework ensures that schools are equipped with current strategies and resources to implement a whole-school approach to enhancing learning and wellbeing for all students.

Supporting students’ wellbeing and mental health
Wellbeing for Learning and Life Framework

Wellbeing for Learning and Life Framework

The South Australian Department for Education has developed the Wellbeing for Learning and Life Framework to support educators, allied health professionals and other practitioners working with children and young people to inspire, engage and empower their development, learning and overall wellbeing. 

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Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy

Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy

The Tasmanian Department of Education's Child and Student Wellbeing Strategy’s wellbeing objectives have been developed to support every learner every day and provide them with the tools to live a fulfilling and productive life. 

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Related Links

Student Wellbeing and Learning

Student Wellbeing and Learning

Explore student wellbeing on the Victorian Department of Education and Training website.

Student wellbeing and learning policy seeks to ensure schools promote student wellbeing in all learning experiences by:

  • providing an environment and curriculum that support students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to manage their own health and wellbeing and to support that of others
  • aligning student welfare and curriculum policies.
School programs and initiatives
Student Health and Wellbeing

Student Health and Wellbeing

Explore the Department of Education Western Australia website. Find services and programs to support schools to provide a safe, inclusive and caring learning environment and to ensure students feel a sense of belonging and receive the best possible education. 

Student health and wellbeing
OECD Dimensions of student wellbeing

OECD Dimensions of student wellbeing

The PISA 2018 Well-being Framework presents the theoretical framework for the way in which the 2018 cycle of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) assesses student wellbeing.

It discusses potential objective and subjective indicators of student wellbeing and distinguishes between various dimensions of wellbeing.

OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills

World Health Organization

The Health Promoting Schools Network Initiative is targeted at all nations and aims to promote health through schools.

Schools should:

  • provide a safe learning and working environment for students and staff
  • serve as an entry point for health promotion and health intervention
  • enable children and adolescents to learn critical health and life skills.
Health promoting schools

New Zealand Education Review Office

The Wellbeing for Success resource highlights the importance of schools promoting the wellbeing of all students.

It also discusses the need for systems, people and initiatives to respond to the wellbeing concerns of students who need additional support.

Wellbeing for success: a resource for schools

United Kingdom National Children’s Bureau

A Whole School Framework for Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health provides a self-assessment and improvement tool for schools.

School leaders can use this to support them in implementing a whole-school approach for mental health and wellbeing. There is also a resource pack to support the framework’s implementation.

National children's bureau

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