Get ready to learn: Interoception and self-regulation

Interoception or 'mindful body awareness' is thought to be a pre-requisite for self-regulation. Rather than being an external sense (such as sight or hearing), interoception is the perception, recognition and understanding of the internal physical states of the body. These body signals can be understood as emotions and/or feelings which can then be responded to.
This resource provides 39 activities to help children develop their interoception skills. The activities have been researched and found to be effective for both autistic and non-autistic students, as either a whole of school, whole of class, small group or individual set of activities.
interoception , mindful body awareness , body awareness , emotional self-regulation , emotions , self-regulation , mindfulness , brain break , yoga , stretch , autism , neurodivergence , neurodiversityCategories
School level
Foundation - Year 1
, Year 2 - Year 4
, Year 5 - Year 6
, Year 7 - Year 9
, Year 10 - Year 12
Learning areas
Health and Physical Education
General capabilities
Personal and Social Capability
Published by
Student Wellbeing Hub