Social and emotional learning in pre-service teacher education

Find out how the University of Southern Queensland is preparing teachers to nurture the development of social and emotional skills in students to promote learning and whole-school wellbeing.

The recent inclusion of a compulsory unit on social and emotional wellbeing in teacher training education at the University of Southern Queensland acknowledges the critical link between wellbeing and learning. Students engage with evidence that underscores the importance of understanding not only how to teach the curriculum but how to embed social and emotional learning in their classroom practice.

Good teachers know that it's not enough to cultivate students' academic skills alone. Learning is optimised when schools actively teach and embed social and emotional competencies to build resilience, self and social awareness, relationships skills and empathy - essential for the wellbeing of everyone in the school community.

  • learn more about the course
  • listen to pre-service teachers discuss the value of the course
  • find practical ways to use the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework and the School Wellbeing Check tool in teacher training courses.

What pre-service teachers are saying

"I encourage students to draw upon their own unique experiences and backgrounds…to highlight that difference is accepted and encouraged…and so students feel supported and safe within the classroom and foster positive relationships with others." (Emma)

"I need to be prepared for the unexpected…to ensure I support the students’ social and emotional wellbeing within the classroom…" (Ryan)

"For students to feel socially and emotionally well within the classroom, it's important that all students are supported according to their needs. The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework is a great starting point for teachers." (Louise)

"I want to be a teacher who...genuinely cares about [their] learning and welfare and provides students with a greater opportunity to succeed academically, emotionally and socially." (Sophie)

Exploring school wellbeing - Part 1

Using the Framework to explore school placement

As part of their major assignment, pre-service teachers use the School Wellbeing Check tool to highlight an Element from the Framework to explore their placement school's approach to wellbeing. They make recommendations for possible ways to strengthen areas of weakness.

Exploring school wellbeing - Part 2

As part of their major assignment, pre-service teachers use the School Wellbeing Check tool to highlight an Element from the Framework to explore their placement school's approach to wellbeing. They make recommendations for possible ways to strengthen areas of weakness.

Why it's essential for teacher training education

Hear students talk about what they've gained from the Social and Emotional Wellbeing course

The Social and Emotional Wellbeing course has equipped them to teach more effectively and to look after their own wellbeing.