Student voice

Student action teams from two primary schools collaborate to plan and host a student-led forum on respectful relationships and bystander behaviour.

Upper primary students from St Charles Borromeo Catholic primary school and Bialik Jewish College join together to plan and present an entirely student-led event focusing on the role of upstander behaviour in promoting and sustaining respectful relationships.

In this illustration of practice you will see:

  • students working together on a topic they have identified as important
  • students engaging with others to share insights and promote respectful relationships
  • teachers guiding students' use of evidence-informed, strengths-based approaches to wellbeing.

Student voice forum

Planning activities

Students from St Charles Borromeo and Bialik talk about the importance of student voice and share their plans and goals for the forum event.

Watch the students as they plan the forum, then check out the next video below that covers the students as they put their planning into action.

Student voice forum

Visiting schools

Watch the students as they run their forum event for visiting schools.

Student Voice is one of the five elements of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. When students have authentic opportunities to be active participants in their own learning they feel connected and are able to use their social and emotional skills to be respectful, resilient and safe. 

Student wellbeing framework