Physical wellbeing

Good physical and mental health is important for learning.

Mental health and physical health are inextricably linked. Schools play a vital role in promoting physical activity and quality sleep, providing advice about nutritious food, and providing targeted support for students and families. Creating opportunities to enhance protective factors and reduce risk factors related to aspects of mental and physical health leads to enhanced wellbeing and learning outcomes.

Develop whole-school approaches to create a positive and healthy learning environment:

  • Explicitly teach and embed social and emotional skills related to personal safety, resilience and help-seeking to enhance protective factors for students
  • Teach and model effective practices to promote healthy exercise and nutrition
  • Create opportunities for students to practise decision-making skills to make informed choices around tobacco, alcohol and drugs
  • Respond to individual needs of students and families with support strategies

Professional learning


Guide to thrive

Life Ed’s Guide to Thrive is a free toolkit containing more than 45 evidence-based resources to help teachers guide students as they embark upon the exciting but sometimes daunting move to secondary school. It's been designed to make life easier for teachers, the Program offers flexibility and most importantly saves time. 


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Interoception and self-regulation

This free online course is suitable for primary and secondary educators with an interest in supporting children and young people with emotional self-regulation, mental health and wellbeing, and social and emotional skills.

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Anxiety and mental health

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Interoception and self-regulation

Support children and young people to to feel more connected to their bodies, and to interpret and express their emotions helpfully.
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