Responsible decision-making
Making informed decisions helps students to feel confident and in control of situations
It also builds their responsibility for and ownership of their actions. Confronted with complex situations, students need to know how to work through the process of considering options and understand the consequences and the impacts of the choices they make.
Teaching social and emotional skills promotes respect, resilience and safety and strengthens protective behaviours.
Schools provide safe environments along with the skills needed to help students make informed, responsible decisions.
- Collaboratively develop whole-school strategies for responsible and respectful behaviour
- Embed practices for developing students' self-confidence and resilience for dealing with peer pressure
- Ensure targeted support for students to make informed, safe choices about alcohol and other drugs

Alcohol and other drugs
Kaiyai Girl
Develop understandings of how alcohol and other drug use impacts on safe decision-making.
Effective alcohol and drug education
This podcast explores what works in alcohol and drug education in schools.
Drugs in the Australian context
This podcast explores the facts and myths about alcohol and drug use in Australia.
Drugs and the teenage brain
In this podcast, learn how alcohol and other drugs impact on the developing brain.
Choices for life: Sophie's story - educators
Educators may use this expert-reviewed video to explore student peer pressure and the dangers of drinking.
The Knowledge Centre: Alcohol and other Drugs
Find resources and information at the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre.
Cracks in the Ice
Educators and parents can find information about crystal methamphetamine (ice).
Volatile Substance Use
Find out about addressing harms of volatile substance use at the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre.
headspace: Alcohol and drugs
Discover the facts about alcohol and drugs and how these can affect your health.
Smoking and vaping
Find information and resources on addressing harms of tobacco use at the Australian Indigenous Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre.
Tobacco: Factsheet
Students can find accurate information about what cigarettes contain and the short-term and long-term effects of smoking.
Vaping resources hub for teachers and schools
The vaping resources hub has been created to share evidence-based, practical resources on vaping.
Vaping and Young People for Educators
This resource is designed to fill the knowledge gap around vaping and e-cigarettes.
The facts about vaping
Learning sequence for years 7 and 8 exploring influences of vaping on young people, with a focus on social media and media influence.
How to resist peer pressure
Learn how to resist peer pressure and live according to your own values.
Related topics
Physical wellbeing
Mental health and physical health are inextricably linked. Schools play a vital role in promoting physical activity and quality sleep, providing advice about nutritious food, and providing targeted support for students and families.
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Wellbeing is linked to improved academic achievement, enhanced mental health and responsible life choices.
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