Resources for Yolngu women and girls

Supporting understanding of sexual health and reproduction.

The resources (film and teacher guide) represent twelve months of discussions between ARDS Women’s Health Educators and Yolŋu women, as well as partners in health and education. You will also find some resources focusing on family violence that have been developed after intensive consultation with Yolŋu people from six major communities across northeast Arnhem Land.

Milly: Films

Part 1

Milly is about to turn 16. She likes someone, but is confused about what to do next. Märi understands – all women go through this. She takes Milly and friends to a special place to learn important lessons. Märi’s stories are very metaphorical, based on analogies and images developed by Yolŋu women to help share this sensitive information. Part 1 is in Yolŋu Matha with English subtitles.

Part 2

Milly and her friends are at a health education class. A doctor talks to the girls about women’s bodies, and Märi helps them understand by linking back to the stories she told them in Part 1. When the doctor talks about sickness (STIs), Milly gets irritated and walks away. Scared that something is wrong with her body, she goes missing. She has big decisions to make but finds her way – with support from friends and family.

Milly: Teaching guide

This teaching guide is designed as a conversation starter with talking points for each of the films. The guide also explains the process that was undertaken to create the resources. It includes notes about the language used in the videos and some Djambarrpuyŋu words from the film.

The guide will help non-Yolŋu viewers understand some of the metaphors used in Part 1 of the film.

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Resources focusing on family violence for communities

Wundaŋarr Yolŋu Gurrutu Strong Yolŋu Families: A gurrutu-centred approach to working with family violence in Yolŋu communities

This resource has been designed to teach non-Indigenous people about Yolngu society and culture. It goes into the workings of how society, clans and family relationships are organised, and how cultural issues can be family violence trigger points.

The ARDS Family Violence Prevention Education Project 2015-18 identified that breaking cycles of violence and finding restorative pathways requires a strengths-based approach centred on gurruṯu (kinship). A strengths-based approach acknowledges the cultural mismatch between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and dominant Western systems, and seeks ways to work with and build on the strengths of Indigenous cultures.

Over 400 Yolŋu people contributed to this resource, sharing their insights through 37 workshops across six major communities across northeast Arnhem Land.

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Cycle of Violence – Family Violence

This resource kit aims to support Yolŋu conversations about the dynamics of family violence and includes a series of radio plays in Yolŋu Matha language that illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolŋu community.
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Cycle of Violence – Family Violence: Radio plays

This unique series of 9 short radio plays illustrates a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolŋu community. They explore Yolŋu understanding of the dynamics of family violence using a unique metaphor developed in partnership with Yolŋu – traditional knowledge about the cycle of the seasons. The plays are performed in Yolŋu Matha (Yolŋu tongue).

Part 1 - New Shoots: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the first radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 2 - Honeymoon 1: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the second radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 3 - Honeymoon 2: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the third radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 4 - Build Up: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the fourth radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 5 - Stand Over: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the fifth radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 6 - Explosion: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the sixth radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 7 - Remorse: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the seventh radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 8 - New Shoots 2: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the eighth radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.

Part 9 - Discussion: Family Violence - Cycle of Violence radio plays

This is the ninth radio play of a series designed to illustrate a fictional cycle of violence in a Yolngu community. The plays are performed in Yolngu Matha language.