Mapping student wellbeing frameworks
The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework is informed by relevant national, state and territory frameworks and initiatives. Find your state or territory framework, other national initiatives and browse international approaches to student wellbeing.
Visit the Independent Schools Council of Australia and the National Catholic Education Commission to learn more about their policies and approaches to student safety and wellbeing.

Helping Hands: Disaster Resilience Tool Kit
A disaster resilience curriculum planning tool kit to help young children and their families prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters.
How 'student voice' has evolved over time
Read an article about how changing attitudes and views about young people have led to the refinement of the term 'student voice'.
All My Friends and Me toolkit
This toolkit explores cultural diversity and dealing with prejudice in early childhood contexts.
Inclusive education for students with disability
This 2013 report provides an overview of inclusive education in an international and Australian context.
Tagged - Educators
This film and the accompanying teaching resources explore the legal consequences of sexting.
DrinkWise videos for education programs
A series of short videos featuring well-known Indigenous personalities and sports stars.