Building respectful relationships for parents

Respectful Relationships is all about embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community.

Building respectful relationships relies on students having opportunities for social and emotional learning in some or all the following areas:

  • self-awareness, self-management and social awareness
  • relationship skills
  • decision-making and problem-solving
  • ethics, values and social norms
  • challenging stereotypes
  • positive gender relationships

Featured video

Australian students discuss their thoughts on Respectful relationships education.

Expert advice

Dr Justin Coulson is a parenting author, psychologist and father of six girls. In this video, he discusses how to raise resilient girls.

Dr Coulson shares tips for helping boys with emotions and boundaries.

Resources for parents and carers

When young people learn about respectful relationships they show improved academic outcomes, more positive social behaviour, lower rates of mental health problems and are less likely to engage in violent, risky and disruptive behaviour. Respectful relationships education provides a framework to develop teaching practice. It supports a school culture in which children and young people can develop relationships based on equality, respect and freedom from violence. 

Consent and sexual consent: talking with children and teenagers

Tips for parents for talking about consent with children and teenagers. Suitable for 2-18 years.

Getting and giving sexual consent: talking with teenagers

Tips for parents to talk to teenagers about negotiating sexual consent. Suitable for 13-18 years.

Talking sex with young people - Parent Easy Guide

Tips for parents to provide balanced and accurate information that helps young people make informed choices, and which keeps them and others safe.

Young people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual - parent easy guide

Information for parents and carers of young people who are same-sex attracted.

Families like mine

A guide for parents and families of young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, gender diverse or who are questioning their sexuality or gender identity.

Gender identity and mental health

Information about gender identity and mental health. Contains a selection of coping strategies to help with stress management.

Tips for autistic LGBTIQA+ young people

Tips to give autistic LGBTIQA+ young people ideas and resources for accessing support.

Transcend: a guide for parents and carers

A guide for parents and carers to help them support their trans, gender diverse or non-binary child at school.

Raising Healthy Minds app

A free app for parents and carers of children aged 0-12 years. Filled with tips and practical ideas to help families raise confident, resilient kids.

Respectful romantic relationships: pre-teens and teenagers

Tips for parents to help your children choose and build respectful relationships. Suitable for 9-18 years.


This video about sexual consent is designed for teenagers with an intellectual disability or teenagers on the autism spectrum.

State and territory information

Explore respectful relationships education information specific to your state or territory.

Respectful relationships education

The ACT Education Directorate provides information and resources for educators and families.

Child protection and respectful relationships education

The NSW Department of Education provides teaching and learning resources and professional learning and support.

Northern Territory social and emotional learning

NT SEL combines the use of two resources to support the social and emotional learning of early years, primary years, middle years and senior students.

Respectful relationships education program

The Queensland Department of Education developed the RREP as part of a broad approach to ending domestic and family violence.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for educators

The KS:CPC from the South Australian Department for Education is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to year 12.

Respectful relationships: teaching and learning

The Tasmanian Department of Education Respectful Relationships Education teaching package provides a comprehensive series of practical modules from birth to year 12.

Teach respectful relationships

A resource kit for Victorian schools provides schools with the strategies and tools to implement a whole-school approach to respectful relationships.

Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program

Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program (RRTSP) is a pilot program currently being delivered in primary and secondary public schools across Western Australia.

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