Your child’s mental and physical health
Help your child to build skills to stay physically and mentally strong and well. Confident and resilient students acknowledge their strengths and also know when to ask for help.
You can work collaboratively with the school to reinforce social and emotional skills. Learn more about supporting your child’s mental, emotional, social and physical health.
- Help your child to understand their emotions
- Support your child to manage stress and anxiety
- Promote a healthy attitude to exercise
- Establish positive approaches to nutrition

Physical activity
Physical activity is critical for children's quality of life
This research examined the relationship between children’s 24-hour time use and their health-related quality of life.
Eat well, get active
Find information for kids and parents about healthy lifestyles, focusing on healthy eating and physical activity.
Brain break bops
Short animated videos featuring an interoception movement, plus other fun dance moves and memorable song lyrics.
Healthy eating
Choose healthy options
This fact sheet for parents and students is about snacking and choosing healthy alternatives.
Nutrition: Brekky bites
This classroom activity focuses on the importance of breakfast for primary school students.
Eating disorders: Tips for families
A snapshot of seven tips for families and carers of young people with an eating disorder.
Packing healthy lunches for children
This resource helps parents pack healthy lunches for children
Healthy sleep
The Sleep Health Foundation provides information and tips which help improve sleep.
Understanding school-age sleep
Find information and practical support to help your child's sleep and enhance their wellbeing.
Sleep diary
Keeping a diary of your sleep patterns will help you identify your habits and what you can change to develop some good routines.
Sleep and young people: putting the myths to rest
Explores some common myths around sleep and provides an overview of sleep difficulties experienced by young people.
Sleep and teenagers – 12–18 years
Strategies for developing and sustaining good health routines for adolescents.
Research: Sleep and mental wellbeing
Recommendations on sleep duration for all age-groups, including examples of behaviours that contribute to poor sleep patterns and interventions that have worked with teenagers.