Foundation - Year 1

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These topics help you to be safe and happy at school.

Keeping healthy

It's important to keep your body fit and healthy by eating the right food, drinking water, getting some exercise every day, and sleeping well. It's also important to keep your mind healthy and strong so you can feel happy.
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No more bullies

If someone is bullied it can make them feel sad and upset. If you see someone being bullied you can help by being a good friend, telling your teacher and saying 'No!' to bullies.
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Respecting others

'Respect' means treating everyone and everything with care. The golden rule is to treat others the way you would like to be treated.
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Everyone belongs

It's great when you feel you belong and that other people like you and want to include you in games and activities at school and on the weekends.
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Making good choices

Make sure you know how to make choices that are safe, healthy and sensible.
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Keeping safe on the internet

Do you have fun on the internet? You can use computers for all kinds of things, but it's very important to keep yourself safe on the internet and to treat people respectfully.
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