Diversity and inclusion

A supportive, welcoming and inclusive school culture fosters connectedness and a sense of belonging.

Students feel safe in a community where all members are active participants in building a welcoming school culture that values diversity.

Schools can help everyone to feel a sense of belonging and connectedness by recognising and responding to the needs of specific groups in the school community.

Diversity exists in various ways including race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religious belief, ability and political allegiance.

We can all learn from one another and the first step is understanding and respecting diversity.

  • Teach and model respect for diversity in the school community
  • Collaboratively develop strategies with families and the community to build a cohesive and culturally safe school
  • Embed strategies for building and maintaining positive, caring and respectful relationships across the school community

Featured video: Be the bridge

Hear how people from diverse cultural backgrounds work together to bridge differences.

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