Respectful Relationships Education

Supporting respectful, equal and non-violent relationships.

Respectful Relationships Education (RRE) is the holistic approach to school-based, primary prevention of gender-based violence. This includes providing opportunities for children and young people to develop and reflect on knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours that relate to respectful, equal and non-violent relationships.

Curriculum connection: Respectful relationships shows educators where respectful relationships education is embedded across the Australian Curriculum, with a primary emphasis on health and physical education. The curriculum interlinks with the Our Watch Respectful relationships educator toolkit, which is designed to help schools develop and sustain a whole-school approach to preventing gender-based violence by promoting gender equality and respectful relationships.

Professional learning

Deepen your understanding of respectful relationships education and learn how to work with students to make classrooms a safer place.


Respectful Relationships Education: Teachers

This course is suitable for people who are teaching Respectful Relationships Education and who want to deepen their understanding to work with students to make classrooms a safer place.

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Respectful Relationships Education: Pre-service teachers

This course is for pre-service teachers to increase your knowledge of Respectful Relationships Education and develop your capacity to work with students to make your future classrooms a safer place.

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Students' perspective

A video about the impact of Respectful Relationships Education

Discover what students from around Australia think about their respectful relationships classes.

Respectful relationships topics

Research and evidence

The evidence base for Respectful Relationships Education in Australian schools continues to grow.
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Autism: Respectful relationships

Respectful relationships modules covering years 5-9. Each module includes background information, teaching activities and links to additional specialised resources.
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Additional learning needs

Discussions and activities within respectful relationships education can require adaption to the particular needs and contexts of your students and their communities.
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Using visual aids

Resources on this page are designed for use with the free online SECCA app, which supports access to relationships and sexuality education for children of all ages and abilities.
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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

Providing Respectful relationships education (RRE) to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students requires understanding appropriate community protocols.
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Culturally responsive teaching

Explore strategies to manage divergent cultural views and practices within a framework of respect.
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Cultural and linguistic diversity

Discussions and activities within Respectful Relationships Education can require adaption to particular contexts for students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
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LGBTIQ+ students and families

Discussions and activities within Respectful Relationships Education can require adaption for students who identify as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender/gender diverse, intersex and/or queer.
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Building respectful relationships for parents

Respectful Relationships is all about embedding a culture of respect and equality across the entire school community.
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State and territory information

Explore respectful relationships education information specific to your state or territory.

Respectful relationships education

The ACT Education Directorate provides information and resources for educators and families.

Child protection and respectful relationships education

The NSW Department of Education provides teaching and learning resources and professional learning and support.

Northern Territory social and emotional learning

NT SEL combines the use of two resources to support the social and emotional learning of early years, primary years, middle years and senior students.

Respectful relationships education program

The Queensland Department of Education developed the RREP as part of a broad approach to ending domestic and family violence.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for educators

The KS:CPC from the South Australian Department for Education is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to year 12.

Respectful relationships: teaching and learning

The Tasmanian Department of Education Respectful Relationships Education teaching package provides a comprehensive series of practical modules from birth to year 12.

Teach respectful relationships

A resource kit for Victorian schools provides schools with the strategies and tools to implement a whole-school approach to respectful relationships.

Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program

Respectful Relationships Teaching Support Program (RRTSP) is a pilot program currently being delivered in primary and secondary public schools across Western Australia.