Discover more about wellbeing in our webinar series
The Hub regularly hosts live virtual learning events on a range of wellbeing topics.
Webinars are easy to join and offer interactive opportunities to ask questions of our expert presenters. You can also watch the recordings of all of our past webinars on this page.
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Reimagining student engagement: Webinar recording
Suitable for educators of all levels, this webinar focuses on the importance of building a better language for engagement and the idea of developing an engagement partnership that positions students as active collaborators in the learning process.
Supporting self-regulation skills in the classroom: Webinar recording
This webinar explores how building interoception skills can help children and young people to self-regulate their emotions and feelings, be calm and engage with learning, have positive wellbeing, and improve their academic performance.
Art and wellbeing: Webinar recording
In this webinar recording, educators from the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) provide practical strategies to help students recognise, understand and evaluate emotional expression through art.
School attendance
Targeted interventions for school attendance challenges webinar
This webinar focuses on school attendance challenges come in many forms: school refusal, truancy, school exclusion and school withdrawal. The webinar aims to provide practical tips and strategies for educators at all school levels.
Starting school: Webinar recording
This webinar introduces the new resource Starting school hosted on the Student Wellbeing Hub. The resource is designed to assist familes and educations of students with autism (diagnosed or undiagnosed) as they begin the first year in primary school.
What does school attendance tell us about how students feel about school – and what can we do about it? webinar
In this webinar, community psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady unpacks the various factors which relate to school absenteeism, drawing upon both research and practice.
Mental health
Teacher wellbeing: Webinar recording
In this webinar, Associate Professor Rebecca Collie shared her insights on common factors impacting wellbeing for both individuals and the broader school context.
What's going on for girls' mental health – and what can schools do to help?
In this webinar recording, the panellists discuss what the research is telling us about girls' mental health.
Trauma-informed practice for challenging behaviours: Webinar recording
Rebecca Harris' webinar recording of Trauma-informed Practice for Challenging Behaviours.
The secondary school’s role in understanding and responding to student anxiety
In this webinar targeted at secondary schools, psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady unpacks the impact of life's uncertainties on students' mental health and the secondary school's role in helping students with anxiety.
When do day to day worries turn into anxiety – and how can primary schools help students?
In this webinar targeted at primary schools, psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady delves deep into children's worries and what primary schools can do to support them.
Respectful relationships
Respectful relationships education: sustaining a program over time
In this webinar recording, a panel of experts discuss their work supporting the implementation of respectful relationships education across Victoria.
Relationships education for students with autism
In this webinar recording, Dr Emma Goodall discusses strategies for teaching students with autism about relationships and topics related to personal development.
Addressing masculinities: Webinar recording
Dr Shane Tas, Senior Policy Advisor from Our Watch, discusses how the masculinities/engaging men work can be a key part of a whole-of-school approach to respectful relationships education.
Unpacking the Man Box: Webinar recording
Hear tips and tricks for helping men choose to adopt healthier forms of masculinities.
Coping with emotional challenges in career development: Webinar recording
In this webinar, Dr Michael Healy, myfuture’s National Career Education Manager, and Jill Wilson, Student Wellbeing Hub Content Manager, discuss how career development influences, and is influenced by, wellbeing and emotional resilience.
Olympics Unleashed: Encouraging students to be the best versions of themselves
In this webinar recording, dual Olympian 400m runner Steven Solomon talks about the Olympics Unleashed program and associated education programs.
Wellbeing and career resilience in a rapidly changing world: Teacher webinar recording
A webinar recording exploring how teachers and career practitioners can support student wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Other wellbeing topics
A celebration of culture and respect: Webinar recording
This webinar explores how young people from refugee backgrounds show leadership in preventing family violence.
Mindfulness meditation: Webinar recording
Recording of Nicole Lee's webinar on mindfulness meditation
A walk-through of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework: Webinar
The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework webinar recording.
Supporting students' mental health - re-adjusting to living with COVID-19
In this webinar, psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady draws upon national and international research about the impact of COVID-19 on students' mental health to explore what this might look like in a school setting.
Supporting secondary students through lockdown and beyond: Webinar recording
In this webinar recording, a panel of experienced teachers join psychologist Dr Lyn O'Grady to discuss what has worked in supporting students in their contexts.
Challenges and opportunities for pre-service teachers in 2020: Webinar recording
Recording of a webinar by lecturer Nicole Brownlie.
Building hope and resilience during extraordinary times of change: Webinar recording
Recording of Dr Lyn O'Grady's webinar on building hope and resilience.