Years 5-6
Search or scroll down to find resources about wellbeing.
Learn about bullying, being safe online, respecting other people and more.
Keeping your mind and body healthy
Strong and healthy minds and bodies are important for learning and getting the most out of life.
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Taking action against bullying
There's a lot you can do to stop someone bullying you or someone else.
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Accepting and including others
People of different backgrounds bring new information, ideas and viewpoints that help us understand ourselves and others.
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Respectful relationships
Developing respectful, positive relationships can help you to feel connected to others, supported and safe.
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Making responsible choices
You make lots of decisions every day. Some are simple choices such as what to eat for breakfast or what to pack for your school lunch, but others need more thought.
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Being safe online
When you have a good understanding of what the internet can do, you can take steps to keep yourself safe from illegal content and unwanted content that makes you feel upset or unsafe.
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Find games, quizzes and websites to help you stay safe, healthy and happy at school.
Difference differently
Diversity makes life interesting, but being different can also be challenging. Explore this site to learn more about diversity.
#GameOn - Students
Think you know all about being online? Watch how some students get into difficult situations and make some poor decisions.
What's up at home? Early teens
Information and support about healthy, safe and respectful families for young teens.