Years 10-12

Search or scroll down to find resources that support wellbeing.


Explore topics such as responsible decision-making, online safety, respectful relationships, mental health and more. Each topic has resources about wellbeing and information about how to get help and advice when you need it.

Physical and mental health

Good nutrition and exercise are essential components for learning.
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Taking action against bullying and violence

Everyone has the right to learn in a safe, supportive and respectful environment free from harassment and abuse.
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Valuing diversity and inclusion

Everyone is unique, with their own special strengths, abilities, interests and ideas.
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Respectful relationships

Respecting others is important to get along with friends, family, teachers and others in your life.
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Responsible decision-making

Decision-making is all about making choices, finding solutions and selecting the best option.
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Safety in the online world

It's important to be a good digital citizen and behave online just as you do in the rest of your life.
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