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  • Support for positive behaviour

    This case study explores how one school supports positive behaviour which is a critical component for building students’ wellbeing.

  • Leadership and inclusion

    Eidsvold P-12 State School case study

  • Student voice

    Student action teams from two primary schools collaborate to plan and host a student-led forum on respectful relationships and bystander behaviour.

  • Social and emotional learning in pre-service teacher education

    Find out how the University of Southern Queensland is preparing teachers to nurture the development of social and emotional skills in students to promote learning and whole-school wellbeing.

  • Partnerships and support

    Paralowie R-12 school has developed targeted support programs and continues to maximise a range of partnerships to meet the wellbeing needs and future career opportunities for their students.

  • Bullying prevention

    Creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment requires a whole-school approach to positive behaviour so that all forms of bullying, aggression and violence can be prevented.

  • Online safety

    Using technology to enhance learning is a central component of digital literacy programs in schools.

  • Prevention of child sexual abuse

    This guidance has been developed for school staff and principals to use in building a positive and safe school environment that will help prevent child sexual abuse. It draws on the advice of experts and stakeholders from the education sectors and the National Office of Child Safety.

  • Interoception and self-regulation

    Supporting social-emotional skills

  • Diversity and inclusion

    A supportive, welcoming and inclusive school culture fosters connectedness and a sense of belonging.