Australian Student Wellbeing Framework


The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework supports Australian schools to provide every student with the strongest foundation possible for them to reach their aspirations in learning and in life.

The vision of the Framework is that Australian schools are learning communities that promote student wellbeing, safety and positive relationships so that students can reach their full potential.

The Framework is based on evidence that demonstrates the strong association between safety, wellbeing and learning.

Leadership Inclusion Student voice Partnerships Support

School wellbeing check

This school survey helps to identify and analyse your school’s wellbeing.

It contains 25 statements that encourage you to think about how your school performs across the five key elements of the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework.

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Illustrations of Practice

Discover practical ways to use the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework in your school. These videos and support materials showcase different approaches that schools just like yours are using to enhance whole-school wellbeing through the elements and effectives practices of the Framework.

Social and emotional learning in pre-service teacher education

Find out how the University of Southern Queensland is preparing teachers to nurture the development of social and emotional skills in students to promote learning and whole-school wellbeing.
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Student voice

Student action teams from two primary schools collaborate to plan and host a student-led forum on respectful relationships and bystander behaviour.
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Professional learning courses

These free professional learning courses for educators and pre-service teachers provide resources and guidance to help your school engage positively with the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework.


Australian Student Wellbeing Framework

Explore the five elements of the Framework in depth and discover practical strategies and resources for building positive, safe, inclusive and respectful learning communities where wellbeing can flourish.

Explore course

Australian Student Wellbeing Framework: Pre-service teachers

Learn about the important relationship between wellbeing and learning. Explore the Framework in depth to discover practical strategies, resources and references. These help you to build positive, safe, inclusive and respectful learning communities where wellbeing can flourish.

Explore course

Media pack

This pack has some great ideas for keeping your school community up to date with the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework. You'll find a school newsletter banner, a poster, a flyer and social media tiles.

Download media pack