Wellbeing topics

Explore topics that help the whole school community create and maintain a safe, supportive and respectful learning environment.


Wellbeing is linked to improved academic achievement, enhanced mental health and responsible life choices.
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Anxiety and mental health

Resources, webinars and professional learning on anxiety and mental health.
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Resources to support Autistic children and young people, families and schools.
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Interoception and self-regulation

Support children and young people to to feel more connected to their bodies, and to interpret and express their emotions helpfully.
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Respectful Relationships Education

Supporting respectful, equal and non-violent relationships.
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Implementing the Student Wellbeing Framework

These illustrations of practice demonstrate the Australian Student Wellbeing Framework in schools.
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Bullying prevention

Schools, students and parents work together to prevent bullying, violence and aggression.
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Diversity and inclusion

A supportive, welcoming and inclusive school culture fosters connectedness and a sense of belonging.
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Physical wellbeing

Mental health and physical health are inextricably linked. Schools play a vital role in promoting physical activity and quality sleep, providing advice about nutritious food, and providing targeted support for students and families.
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Responsible decision-making

Explore resources which support effective, responsible and ethical decision-making.
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Online safety

Using technology to enhance learning is a central component of digital literacy programs in schools.
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Prevention of child sexual abuse

Nationally consistent guidance for schools and school principals on the prevention of child sexual abuse.
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